型號 Model: DM-478A
電壓 Voltage: AC110-130V/60Hz AC220-240V/50Hz
功率 Power: 150W
LED燈 LED Light: 30pcs 4W RGBW
噴射距離 Jetting distance: 8-10米(meter)
控制 Control way: DMX512/遙(yao)控(kong)(remote control)/手控(kong)(manual)
機器尺寸 Machine Size: 833x300x326mm(LxWxH)
包裝尺寸 Package Size: 950x460x420mm(LxWxH)
凈重 N.W: 20kg
毛重 G.W: 22.5kg
型號 Model: DM-478A
電壓 Voltage: AC110-130V/60Hz AC220-240V/50Hz
功率 Power: 150W
LED燈 LED Light: 30pcs 4W RGBW
噴射距離 Jetting distance: 8-10米(meter)
控制 Control way: DMX512/遙控(kong)(kong)(remote control)/手控(kong)(kong)(manual)
機器尺寸 Machine Size: 833x300x326mm(LxWxH)
包裝尺寸 Package Size: 950x460x420mm(LxWxH)
凈重 N.W: 20kg
毛重 G.W: 22.5kg
LED 排(pai)式四(si)(si)(si)頭氣(qi)柱(zhu),設計(ji)師采用(yong)(yong)鐵血(xue)戰士的(de)外形(xing)為靈感,設計(ji)出外形(xing)獨(du)特極具機(ji)械感造(zao)形(xing),能制造(zao)瀑布般的(de)氣(qi)浪(lang)效果,2700角度(du)可調,采用(yong)(yong)四(si)(si)(si)合一LED燈珠,擁有遙控,手控,DMX三種控制模(mo)式,采用(yong)(yong)四(si)(si)(si)個二氧化碳(tan)氣(qi)瓶連接,可多臺排(pai)式并列安(an)裝或(huo)者吊掛,噴射距離可達10米,震撼力十足,適(shi)用(yong)(yong)于大型演出,酒(jiu)吧,音樂節等。
The LED4 Way Co2 jet,inspired by the shape of the Jagged Warrior,is designed by our handsome designer.It can create a waterfall-like air wave effect with a-270-degree adjustable jet angle that can reach 10 meters.It combines with 4-in-1 LED lamp beads and it can be control by remote control, manual control,DMX control.It needs to connect with four carbon dioxide cylinders.The machine can be installed in the ceiling or put in the ground as needed.Itis suitable for large-scale performances,bars,music festivals,etc.